Housing (and of course, its price) is perceived by the spanish citizen as one of the main problems of Spain in the year 2023:
Several real estate experts have proposed to publish the real estate transaction prices for each house code, as a measure of lowering the price of the Spanish real estate.
The Spanish "catastral code" is an unique id that describes every real estate item in Spain (except the Basque Country and Navarra).
How to get the Spanish real estate data?
To have a complete picture of the Spanish real estate market it would be necessary to know the sale and rental prices of properties.
True sales and purchase prices are only available to notaries and Spanish property registration. This price may not be completely reliable because in some transactions it is agreed to pay in cash (payment in B) a part of the property to obtain tax advantages.
True rental data prices are only in the hands of real estate agencies (and their groups), introducing biases in the price since rentals between individuals are not taken into account.
This data is either not accessible or the cost is prohibitive.
Other options to obtain data on the Spanish real estate market go through real estate portals. These data indicate the price desired by the bidder, but not the final price. Even so, they are data that, treated properly, can be interesting. is the market leader in real estate ads in Spain (Italy and Portugal).
The Data
During 2023, around 130,000 housing advertisements were published in the municipality of Barcelona.
To make the information manageable in a csv file, each ad/record has been reduced to the data in the table below. As you can see, in addition to the name of the column, the number of instances and their description are indicated:
title 127497 # Ad title
operation 127497 # rent/sale
state 127497 # active or inactive
address 127497 # address
latitude 127497 # latitude
longitude 127497 # longitude
hasHiddenAddress 127497 # is the address
administrativeAreaLevel1 127497 # province
administrativeAreaLevel2 127497 # municipality
administrativeAreaLevel3 127497 # district
administrativeAreaLevel4 127497 # neighborhood
isProfessional 127497 # is a agent
commercialName 127497 # name of the agent
date 127497 # date
price 127497 # price
houseType 127497 # house type
extendedPropertyType 17370 # extended house type
constructedArea 127497 # m2 constructed
usableArea 71818 # m2 usable
plotOfLand 1204 # m2 of land
roomNumber 127497 # number of rooms
bathNumber 127497 # number of wc
isInTopFloor 127497 # is in the top floor?
isDuplex 127497 # is a duplex?
flatLocation 185874 # interior or exterior?
isStudio 127497 # is a studio?
isPenthouse 127497 # is a penthouse?
energyCertificationType 127497 # energy certification
energyPerformance 36388 # energy performance
status 127497 # housing status
lift 127497 # lift
boxroom 53904 # box room
swimmingPool 50557 # swimming pool
garden 49044 # garden
communityCosts 15307 # community costs
heaterType1 85532 # heater type
heaterType2 48963 # heater type 2
construction_year 76702 # year of construction
manyFloors 1287 # has many floors?
orientation 63163 # orientation
terrace 40872 # terrace
hasGarage 11297 # has garage?
garagePrice 1820 # garage price
floorNumber 117731 # floor number
airConditioning 68651 # air conditioning
This is one example of a housing record/add:
column ║ value ║
║ ║
title ║ Ático en Urb. chamberí barrio Nuevos Ministerios-Ríos Rosas ║
operation ║ rent ║
state ║ inactive ║
address ║ Urb. chamberí barrio Nuevos Ministerios-Ríos Rosas ║
latitude ║ 40.4390835 ║
longitude ║ -3.7002443 ║
hasHiddenAddress ║ True ║
administrativeArea…║ Madrid ║
administrativeArea…║ Madrid ║
administrativeArea…║ Chamberí ║
administrativeArea…║ Nuevos Ministerios-Ríos Rosas ║
isProfessional ║ True ║
commercialName ║ Viancasa Gestión inmobiliaria ║
date ║ 2023-01-01 12:55:16.944851+00:00 ║
price ║ 1800 ║
houseType ║ flat ║
extendedPropertyTy…║ penthouse ║
constructedArea ║ 120 ║
usableArea ║ 115.0 ║
plotOfLand ║ ║
roomNumber ║ 1 ║
bathNumber ║ 2 ║
isInTopFloor ║ False ║
isDuplex ║ False ║
flatLocation ║ external ║
isStudio ║ False ║
isPenthouse ║ True ║
energyCertificatio…║ c ║
energyPerformance ║ ║
status ║ good ║
lift ║ True ║
boxroom ║ True ║
swimmingPool ║ False ║
garden ║ False ║
communityCosts ║ ║
heaterType1 ║ central ║
heaterType2 ║ ║
construction_year ║ 1991.0 ║
manyFloors ║ ║
orientation ║ sur, oeste ║
terrace ║ True ║
hasGarage ║ ║
garagePrice ║ 120.0 ║
floorNumber ║ Planta 7ª ║
airConditioning ║ True ║
2023 Barcelona Housing CSV
The most efficient way (not counting a public API) to share this information is through a csv file. To do this, the data from a DB has been passed to a Python dataframe through a query from the Django ORM (later with FastAPI to improve times and efficiency) and then we use the df.to_csv() function. The entire process takes about 10 seconds (although it could be optimized):
import pandas as pd
query = House.objects.filter('XX').values('YY')
df = pd.DataFrame(query.iterator())
df.to_csv('barcelona-bcn-2023.csv', sep ='|')
If you do not have experience with the Python pandas library, it is recommended to use VisiData to explore large csv files.
vd --csv-delimiter "|" barcelona-bcn-2023.csv
More information
As I mentioned above, this csv file is a small sample of the information available:
- Other types of properties such as offices, garages, rooms…
- 8,130 more municipalities (besides Barcelona)
- Spatial information of the different geographical areas
- Record of each price change of a property
- Data from all real estate agencies in Spain
- …
For any question, do not hesitate to ask: